
GPGC Orientation Day (September 1, 2022)

1 Sep 2022

Last Thursday, September 1 2022, fifty members of the 2022-23 entry received a formal welcome session at the GPGC Programme’s annual Orientation. Professor Vivian Zhan, Programme Director of GPGC, kicked off the event by giving a warm welcoming speech to the participants. GPGC is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Throughout the 10 years, the Programme has achieved remarkable success. GPGC graduates have taken up vital roles in government bodies, financial institutions, business sectors, media and educational institutions. Quite some graduates pursued PhD studies in world-class universities such as Harvard, MIT and Peking University. Professor Zhan encouraged the new students to become a person of H.O.P.E, i.e., a person of High aspiration, Open mind, Professional, and Exploration.

This year, we are honored to have Professor Jean-Pierre Cabestan (Senior Researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research), Professor Chen Feng (Professor Emeritus of Hong Kong Baptist University) and Professor Gong Ting (Adjunct Professor of City University of Hong Kong) to join its teaching team. Started with a self-introduction session, the professors shared with students their valuable experience and unique insight on postgraduate studies.

Upon the end of the Orientation, Dr. Brenda Liu, the Programme Manager introduced important academic matters to the students and addressed students’ questions.

We wish all GPGC students a fruitful academic year ahead!