GPGC Orientation Day (September 4, 2021)

A group of GPGC students met the first time on campus to attend the GPGC Orientation in a sunny and warm Saturday. Prof. Vivian Zhan, Prof. Tsao King Tao, Dr. Jackson Yeh and Mr. Ivan Choy joined the event physically while Prof. Gunter Schubert and Dr. James Downes attended the real time online gathering.

In the welcoming speech delivered by Prof. Vivian Zhan, GPGC Programme Director, she reminded students to become a person of H.O.P.E., which in simple translation, a person of High aspiration, Open mind, Professional, and Exploration.
The program then followed by greeting and self-introduction of GPGC teachers. Prof. Michel Bonnin also sent his warm remarks to the students via a pre-recorded video. Then, Dr. Brenda Liu, the Programme Manager, gave advice on important academic matters and resources provided by the University. Lastly, teachers and students were assigned to small group to mingle and get to know each other before the start of the academic year.
We wish all GPGC students a healthy and fruitful academic year ahead.